Halloween 2018 October 15, 2018 by steve [cws_gpp_images_by_albumid theme=projig id=”6612771470214363713″ num_results=’0′]
A White Christmas at Llenroc Farm December 25, 2017 by steve Blessed with a white Christmas at Llenroc. And maybe an extra Almond Ring too…
Pumpkin Carving October 23, 2017 by steve We started the day by serving up some orange and black Cupcakes Dustin, John, Hayley and Michael Colleen and Hayley went in a slightly different direction…
Happy Easter 2014 April 21, 2014 by steve Janette and Rick hosted this Easter’s get together. We had all the usual Easter trimmings including Coffee Cake with braunschweiger and Gramma Boekman’s Lime Jello “Mold”.
Christmas, 2013 November 24, 2013 by steve Meanwhile, in Southern California, John came down for the weekend and we accomplished the backyard christmas lights. Also, Colleen continued with her projects…