The most successful Onze players have a plan, they don’t just grab a seat and start playing. It takes preparation and strategy to be a master. The following tips can help you succeed. Add your own tips in the comment section at the bottom.
Winning Onze Strategies:
1. Location, Location, Location.
Don’t be the last one to the table! Be careful about where you sit. The most important person is the one to your right. Choose him or her carefully. Likewise, the person to your left can be someone you “owe,” a favor or payback . This adds a level of spice to the game.
2. Low Card Strategy.
If, after the 6th hand, you have a lead greater than 150 points, you may choose to take this can’t-miss method of winning. After all, as long as you don’t cheat, a win is a win.
To cement your win, simply make it your goal for the 7th hand to collect the lowest point total. Forget about sets and runs, just start picking up cards lower than a face card and discarding all high cards. Do Not take any Offdraws as this will increase to likelihood of you picking up a joker or other high value card. Two thirds of the way through this hand, someone should pick up on the fact that you are using this strategy and you will be subject to much derision and accusations that you are cheating. Stay strong, winning is what is important here. If you are lucky, you can get out of this hand with fewer than 140 points, which means – You Win!!
So far, only Wally and Steve have been known (or admitted) to use this tactic.
3. Move quickly.
When you see an offdraw you like, take it quickly and then defend yourself when someone complains, saying that they were too slow. Unfortunately, the rules are against you on this, but if your are persistent and fake a few tears, it might just work.